Title: 'Inkigayo' Jinyoung x Jisoo x Doyoung, a new start...will have a special stage
Source: Naver
Date posted: February 5, 2017
1.) [+588][-30] JYP x YG x SM collaboration!
2.) [+398][-18] The Big3
3.) [+451][-70] Jinyoung, hwaiting! Looking forward to the special stage~
4.) [+409][-79] Our Jichu~~~~~ Blinks will be cheering you on, so don't be nervous and do well ㅋㅋ Just be your normal self, and you'll be fine, hwaiting!!
5.) [+349][-72] Jinyoung jjang
6.) [+116][-17] Jichu do well~ Same to Jinyoung and Doyoung!
7.) [+136][-26] Kim Jichu hwaiting~~~~!~!~!~
8.) [+124][-24] Jichu, Blinks will be cheering you on! Don't be nervous and just do it the way you practiced ㅎㅎ And I hope that Jinyoung and Doyoung would do well also! It's a pity that I can't go to Akmu's last stage today ㅠㅠ But hoping they do well, as well!
9.) [+115][-22] Jisoo's so pretty ㅠㅠ Hwaiting Jisoo!
10.) [+102][-19] Jichu, hwaiting, Blinks are cheering you on so don't be nervous!!
Title: 'Inkigayo' Jinyoung x Jisoo x Doyoung, extravagant special MC stage
Source: Naver
Date posted: February 5, 2017
1.) [+936][-117] Isn't Jisoo so pretty...wow~
2.) [+567][-64] I really like their chemistry!! They picked them (MCs) well!
3.) [+620][-99] Jisoo's so pretty
4.) [+574][-101] I compliment you, Jisoo [*a trendy phrase from 'Knowing Bros'*]
5.) [+504][-95] Jichu, hwaiting!!
6.) [+232][-26] Jinyoung fckng handsome...Jisoo fcking beautiful
7.) [+238][-37] Jinyoung's so good looking...and good at being a MC
8.) [+205][-28] Jinyoung's dancing was great. Hwaiting, all three of you!
9.) [+184][-23] Jisoo, you did well ㅠ Jinyoung and Doyoung are good looking. JinJiDo, hwaiting
10.) [+169][-21] Jinyoung, Jisoo two beautiful people...and Doyoung giving off maknae charms
11.) [+166][-20] I adore you Jisoo. The male MCs did good as well.
12.) [+151][-21] Jisoo's really pretty. She matches pink really well
13.) [+136][-16] Jinyoung solo is cool and, when with the other two, is bright so I like it ㅋㅋㅋ And he seems to be good at being a MC. I hope he's healthy and doesn't strain himself
14.) [+156][-23] Jisoo ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ pretty ㅠㅠㅠ
15.) [+164][-27] Jisoo's seriously so pretty
16.) [+168][-29] Jisoo's so cute~ Hwaiting, all three of you
17.) [+156][-25] Our Jichu's so pretty
18.) [+148][-23] I went "hul" as soon as I saw Jisoo. She's fckng pretty
19.) [+136][-19] Kim Jichu's so pretty ㅠㅠ
20.) [+149][-24] Rhyme king Jisoo! Her visuals are crazy!!!
Title: Blackpink Jisoo "I was nervous about being an Inkigayo MC, but I will make sure to improve"
Source: Naver
Date posted: February 5, 2017
1.) [+73][-1] I'm happy just looking at her
2.) [+75][-5] I'm happy just looking at her standing in the middle
3.) [+72][-6] She's probably a lot of female wannabes because she's so pretty
4.) [+56][-1] Jisoo, just keep being as pretty as today ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ
5.) [+56][-5] I'm a Once, but I hope that Nayeon's bf Blackpink Jisoo does well, as well.
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